up in the..WHERE??

This piece is gonna be about my random thinking,on how my mind just wanders freely without MY permission..!!! Alright it always starts off while I'm in my class. U know the cliche kinda classes, when the teachers goes on and on and everyone sleeps. Okay I'll be honest, in triambak's class(yes that's his name and he's my grammar teacher.).Cant help but notice his huge paunch and the buttons popping out and this is when I choose to wander away from his belly. And so begins my thought process..goes on like a train..!
FIRST: I look around and see if something interesting is happening and guess what?? Im in for a rude awakening..!! Time for a reality check..EVERY PERSON IN CLASS SEEMS TO BE LISTENING TO HIM..!!So then I check for messages on my phone. disappointment strikes me again.
SECOND: I decide its time for me to take off. And so I dream..what if I was a celebrity? How would I dress? How would I walk? How would I make heads turn(oh yeah..I'm one of those..!!) ?? How would I make Ranbir fall in love with me..hmmm:)..the phones I would have...and how the number of my twitter followers will magically change from 8 to 8k..!! And I'm flying and flying..and THUD..!!
THIRD: I hear the voice of the person I hate in class..I can feel the negative vibes around me..its now time for my meditation..time to bring my anger levels down..and this is when I chant OM ( YES..I CHANT..DON'T BE SURPRISED..THERE'S A LOT MORE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT ME)..all the chanting reminds me of the godmen..Nityananda dude in particular( thanks to my neighbour who lived in his ashram) and Icchadari whateva..I wonder..How does their mind work? What do they think? How do they think? They preach day and night..I'm sorry they preach ONLY during the DAY(CONDITIONS APPLY!!) and learn great things about the workings of their body at night..haha!! And with all that money they have I cant help but think, WHY THE CHEAP B GRADE ACTRESS?? WHY NOT SOMEONE LIKE ANNA FARIS OR ANNA NICOLE SMITH ( is she dead?? oh yeah, shes dead.)
and suddenly my teacher decides to take the attendance and poof I'm back in reality.
I look around again,everyone's busy talking. My enemies in particular laugh away to glory( wonder if they do it on purpose..i think they do)..and I visualise us fighting( trust me I'm a sissy when it comes to stuff like cat fights..i prefer not to be around when someone else is fighting too:P)..haha..but I like being the hero so what do i do?? I VISUALIZE. I think about all the best things I can say and put them down..hmm..feels really nice to win:)..and suddenly this happens..
Me: HUH?? YES SIR..!!
PHEW..CLOSE SHAVE THERE..!! and then BAMMMM..im taking off again..:)
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