life as i know it!!

I wake up and head to the bathroom to wash my face and while I’m at it I get a thought in my mind. It’s just a one liner. And when I begin to think about what it means I get several ideas in mind which are not connected at all. Or maybe they are and i just don’t realize it. Life’s so unpredictable. So true isn’t it? One minute you’re doing absolutely nothing and the next minute you’re so busy that you can’t even sit. I’m sure you guys must have thought about why we are born as humans, who decides who gets to be a human? When you’re born you know absolutely nothing. Or that’s what we think. But what do the scriptures say? Babies know the secrets of the universe and that’s exactly why they don’t talk. You see that?? I started off with something and i don’t know where I’m heading. Why is that? Aren’t we all here to accomplish something? We are born to set something right, to learn something out of this lifetime. What is that something? Why aren’t we sent here with a plan? Like a blueprint. In that way we know exactly what we should do to set things right. It is said that as soon as a human being understands the purpose of his life and accomplishes it, he dies. He dies to be born again just like a phoenix. He moves on from one level to another. How many of such levels are there? Is it like a game? Whoever reaches the final level gets the prize? We have understood the purpose of life. We have crossed every single barrier. We have cleansed our soul and it’s all shiny so does that mean we get to play god? There are so many questions unanswered. We should’ve had a guide to make it easy. Born from the earth, learn everything we need to learn from the nature and have no strings attached to other humans. It’s like the others are nonexistent. And one fine day when we’re done learning everything we have to, we realise our purpose outta the blue and be done with it. When we die there’s no soul we have to worry about except ours. It could be as simple as that.
But hell no..!! God loves complicated. He loves making people’s lives miserable. It’s like his elixir if i may say so. To live a life as a beggar, to live in poverty, to live as a child who is not wanted, to live as a patient in the hospital, to live as a rich guy with no happiness, to live to watch another person die is life!!
Lets take an example: a person is born. That person has a soul within him. His ultimate goal in life is not to make money which will last for 7 generations but to understand what unconditional love is.
So he works hard, puts all his energy into making people he loves happy. He works so hard that he hardly has a few minutes to spare. In his opinion, money is happiness. And life goes fine day he realizes that he’s empty. And so he seeks out to understand why he feels the way he feels. And when he does find the answer..Boom..He’s dead..!! What kind of shitty life is that??
Now let’s see life as I would want it. We’re born. We learn. We meet other souls who will help me complete my cycle just as my soul completes theirs and we move to the next level together. In this way everyone’s happy..What say?
You may have noticed that my theory is in a way very close to the life we are living now. We come into this nature. We become a part of nature. We learn so many things from fellow humans. A lot particularly from one person. And most often these are the ones we ignore the most. And when we realize what we have done many of us are hurt. And our purpose becomes resolving these matters.
No, I’m not contradicting myself. There is one big difference. What is it? My way of life is more peaceful and happiness is guaranteed coz we have no one to answer but ourselves..Still don’t get it?? Don’t worry you will..!!
what you say seems to make sense. at least to me the way i see it. you have to find out what you want to do in life and live life on your terms. at the end of your life, its only yourself that you have to answer to or account for. everything else is a big zero, thats why indian philosophy teaches detachment and western society propounds individualism, two ways of looking at the same thing - the sum total of lifes achievements.. - although its difficult to answer that question satisfactorily, since there are limitations in both humas and their philosophy
ReplyDeleteWho are you and what did you do the Bindya Setty I knew 3 years ago?!!!
ReplyDeleteGood one :D