hey u know what??go EF urself!!

What’s more irritating?
Indifference from the person who doesn’t really know the subject or the job you’re dealing with or indifference from the person who has been on the same boat?
Okay, if u guys are wondering in what context, I’ll tell u...lemme give you an example:
2 people, let’s call them A and B...
A is the arrogant one. He thinks that what he does is the best. And what does he do? Well...let’s just say he’s into science.
Science is tough and I’m not denying it but indifference towards other subjects..???
Einstein once said science and humanities go hand in hand. They both cannot exist without the other. Now if a person that smart has said it...duh!! You’ve got to believe it!!!
My philosophy: you can’t bring back the dead. The same way u can never make such dumb dung filled brain headed people to believe what Einstein said!!!
Subject B on the other hand is lamer than A...
Coz B is part of humanities...i’m not saying she agrees with what A has to say...but when another person is interested in ur field or something remotely close to ur field u HELP THEM OR GUIDE THEM. That’s what ur meant to do not make faces which conveys...wtf!! U don belong here...u belong no where..!!
Word of advice: people have dreams. They have the rights to pursue them...
Whether they achieve them or not is secondary...whats important is that they tried!!
Nah!! It’s no point letting u know...coz it never really does get into ur brain..!!
P.S: if the two ppl I’m talking abt are reading this…you never really understood did you??
I’ll tell y’all what to do...shut down ur computer...dress up professionally and go enroll urself as a judge in some reality show where u can put down people like hot plates...coz trust me ur better at it than what u guys are currently doin!! Good luck...
For my other faithful readers. I love u guys. If u haven’t understood it...don worry...it’s not worth it...i was just venting!!
that's just so cool, you almost yelled, screeched, tore your hair apart(metaphorically). If I'm the science bitch you're referring to, just remember:
ReplyDeleteI love you. =)
awesome one ! loved everything u said ! totally agreed :)