pretty in pink..!!

Someone one day told me that all girls are the same when it comes to talking about boys.
My opinion: Boys are good looking alright, but you can’t deny the fact that real beauty is seen in girls.
So I’ve decided to talk about girls in the exact same way as we talk about guys. According to me there are two types of girls:
One with extreme outer beauty.
And the other girls with a heart of gold.
I’m not suggesting that the first ones don’t have a heart. Both the groups can make your day.
Well, we admire the beauty of nature. Humans too are a part of it. So when u look at a pretty girl doesn’t your heart flip? Mine certainly does!! Is your answer a NO? I’m sorry to say this but girl, UR A LIAR.
It’s a simple theory, it goes like this:
Girl 1 sees a pretty girl, she makes a face. A face which says, who’s this pretty bitch and what the hell is she doing here?
Girl 1 can’t help but notice and admit that she’s indeed pretty. She checks her out again and see’s what she’s wearing. She goes on giving secret glances her way. Why?
Well..She’s fucking amazing!! That’s why..!! I’ll give you a hundred bucks if you prove me wrong.
Meanwhile girl1 is still thinking about the hot chick..!!
She certainly made your day;)
The second group may be simple but they are super super hard to decipher.
Coz believe it or not it’s not the hot one’s with mood swings. It’s them. I told you i haven’t figured them out yet. But they always have had time to comfort and console people. They are very very good listeners so you can most definitely pour out your heart.
And yeah some are a mix of both!!:)
Whatever you say for me the most beautiful are always the girls. They are the one’s with the best features and any day more colourful than the guys. Guys are for the other things in life ( got that right!!)
This article is particularly inspired by one girl kristen stewart:)..But this is dedicated to all the hotties out there..
Type1: ash rai, pinky, ammy, samyukta hornad, anandita srinivas, chaitra sagar,swathi reddy, prerna srinivas, mommy dearest, latha arjun, anjum khan, vaish, hadiya, suni, ullasita..!!
Type2: andrea, ammy, mommy, chaitra sagar, mahati..!!
GIRLS YOU INSPIRE ME..!! KEEP UP THE GOOD LOOKS..:)..this one’s for all you guys
I'll keep reading this... even 20 years from now =)