world through rose tinted glass!! we go..a lot of new characters(ppl) are gonna be introduced. before i begin to talk about my title i think I'll finish the introduction.
1) sisters colleague..a very fine photographer..super adorable lady and is known for her obsession with pink.
2) Mr.Ian..Rebbeccas husband..a sculptor..scottish..a man who thinks girls are same all over the world when they start talking about boys:)!!
3) Narayanswamy,the driver.
4) Nandeesh, drivers bunny teeth son..:)
5) Venu..native of!!
6) Suhasini..the girl with purple cotton sister.
7) Pinky aka super tall niece.
Now that everyone has been introduced lets move on..plz note that ms.r is Rebecca and mr.i is Ian..:P
Okay..I met ms.r and mr.i in the school where they teach. They did'nt take long to gel. And before i knew my mum had made plans of taking them to Mysore for a visit. So the day before our trip to Mysore they arrived at home. We ended up talking about Indian politics and culture sipping our hot cups of coffee. Ms.r then told me something which made me VERY happy that day. She said " I love India. Ppl are so warm. Here when I smile at ppl they smile back. I dunno if they are smiling back at me coz I'm a foreigner. I was so used to smiling at ppl that when i went back home(UK)i did the same and ppl there looked at me like i was some kind of a maniac. I missed India then. I thought its just a matter of few days and I'll get back to liking the UK but it never happened. I felt so blank and empty." now is'nt that what all of us want to hear. And then it was time to go to Iskcon. We have two bikes at home so Ms.r sat behind my sister and mr.i behind me. It was a scene worth capturing. Ms.r was scared out of her pants and was recovering from the ride even after we came back home. Mr.i on the other hand was pretty cool about it. we came back home and had dosa's for dinner( ms.r loves them.) and then chatted till late night. And then we all went to bed coz we had an early start next day. This is when my neice and the others joined in. We left for Mysore and we stopped at the kamath to have breakfast. Idlis wrapped in leaves was so amusing to them that they captured several pictures of it. Haha. We reached Srirangapatna and first visited the Ranganathswamy temple. I've been there when I was young but this time I couldn't stop admiring the architecture. The beautiful sculptures. Why do we feel that we belonged to the period it was built and have reincarnated again when we visit some historical place. While I looked at the temple, while I looked at the light falling only in the middle I couldn't stop but think how they built this huge thing in those days. I had to cut short my amusement as we had to visit Tipus tomb next.We hired a guide. And here the most funniest thing happened. While the guide was narrating the story about how the British killed Tipu and made away with his wealth Rebbecca suddenly says "I'M SORRY, WE DID'NT MEAN TO" haha..the guide also started laughing. lol..she kept saying sorry every time the guide showed fault of the british . We then left for the summer palace of Tipu " Dariya Daulat Bagh".
Wherever we went Rebbecca was the center of attention and ppl wanted to shake hands with her. Ian didn't get as much even though he was white. We went around the whole place just like any other tourist. Ian, Pinky and me stuck with each other. We were looking for Rebecca and then we saw a huge crowd. We thought somebody fainted and went to have a closer look and we burst out laughing immediately. Coz in the middle of the crowd was Rebecca trying to understand what ppl were telling her. lol!! It was so funny that I'm laughing even when I'm writing. We finally were successful to get outta there and reach Mysore for the palace visit. We hired a guide. Its funny how we don't know about a place although we've been there many times. I've seen the palace a couple of times. I've seen all of it but I know the significance of none. If it wasn't for rebbecca and ian I don think I would've ever gone in for a guided tour. The world around us is so familiar but we still know nothing about it. On that day however I was lookin at the familiar world through ROSE TINTED GLASS. The place looked more beautiful than it was to me before. I went out to give them a cultural experience little did I know that I'll be the one experiencing it. It was a day I'll never forget. And the next day was a day i was hoping would never arrive. Ian and Rebbecca had tears in their eyes. They had a tiny peice of india to carry back home and share:)..this is for you guys..:)
I like this! :)And Su's purple cotton pants. :P