Her Mountain And Sea.

The glow,
The creases around her lips, 
The glaze in her eyes, 
It wasn’t  sunshine,
It wasn’t her age.
Something had stirred. 
Crowded spaces seemed empty,
Something else crowded the space instead. 
She closed her eyes, 
She saw the shadow on the mountains,
She saw the foot prints on the sands of the ocean,
She followed the winds on the mountain, 
She looked back several times, 
Another shadow far far away, 
Fading away, 
She followed the footprints on the sand, 
A fleeting feeling like the time you’re too happy, 
Like the time you can’t stop smiling, 
Like the time you can't wait to reach the destination, 
Even though the journey is everything.
The winds get stronger on the mountains,
Pushing her. 
The waves get powerful, 
Pulling her. 
It’s pandemonium, 
But it felt right,
She was almost there,
Her creases got wider, 
She was smiling, 
Her heart so full, so unreal. 
And then it stopped. 
She saw him. 

He was her mountain and her sea. 

-Yet Another Thing


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