(inside) OUT..!!

The world outside the window is not where I want to live. I wanna stay away from the hustle bustle of the city, I wanna be far away. Someplace where all I can see is the plush green on which the rain is pouring. I wanna sit with a hot cup of coffee from where I can catch the rain. Hm mm..I can imagine it..the rush of the rain...the hazy view...the dancing trees...my steaming coffee and...the dreamy me...never wanting the sun to come my way...hoping that the rain would never stop.
I love rain and as far as I can remember it rains every year on my birthday:) When I first got my cycle it rained...when I went to see my new house it rained( it was my b day). First ride on my bike was in the rain. Whenever anything good happens to me it rains. I don't really know what my connection is with the rain. I even smell rain way before it even appears. Its kinda weird and hard to believe but that's how it is! I wonder..what if i meet my Mr. Right while it rains?? It would be like the rain got us together. But whatever it is I know that the next time it rains something good is bound to happen. Hopes are high I know...but as I say..keep dreaming..:)
P.S: I am very filmi..I know..!!
Mr. Short-stubble hot guy. Or the french millionaire :) After you, I'm curious to meet him. Hopefully, they have brothers too. :P